GPGDragon V3.39 New Year Update 2014 has been just Released

What is news?
1. Auto Pinfind Coolsand\RDA CPU
2. Coolsand Auto Pinfind Support for Dragon Dongle Volcano\Avator Box\ET-BOX\Super Doctor...
3. Coolsand / RDA CPU and Flashing time Unknown Bug Fixed
3. New Mehod of writing block algorithm of MTK 6577\6575 EMMC Flash IC
4. Adjust MTK 6589 Write EMMC Flash
5. SPRD 6820/8810 Read Flash (New)
6. USB Port Option Added for Dragon Dongle. You can use USB Cable to flash the such types of Phone
7. Adjusted SPRD 6531 CPU Writinig Flash Bugs
8. Some known bug Fixed
Some world first Reports Using Dragon Box/Dongle:
Colors Xfactore X-100 Successfully Pattern Removed by Dragon Box / Dongle
WorldColors Xfactore X-100 Successfully Pattern Removed - USB Debuggin was Off:)
Karboon A1 Successfully Flashed with the help of Dragon Box / Dongle
Karboon Android A1+ wake up from the Dead, Thanks Dragon Team!!!
World First 4GB EMMC MTK Android MT6583 "General Mobille Discovery" Done by Dragon Box / Dongle
World First 4GB EMMC MTK Android MT6583 "General Mobille Discovery" Successfully Don
ZTE T760 WORLD FIRST Auto Pinfind,Auto Select Boots by Dragon Box / Dongle
ZTE T760 WORLD FIRST by DRAGON--Can not read any Box<Auto Pinfind,Auto Select Boots>
Download Link:
What is news?
1. Auto Pinfind Coolsand\RDA CPU
2. Coolsand Auto Pinfind Support for Dragon Dongle Volcano\Avator Box\ET-BOX\Super Doctor...
3. Coolsand / RDA CPU and Flashing time Unknown Bug Fixed
3. New Mehod of writing block algorithm of MTK 6577\6575 EMMC Flash IC
4. Adjust MTK 6589 Write EMMC Flash
5. SPRD 6820/8810 Read Flash (New)
6. USB Port Option Added for Dragon Dongle. You can use USB Cable to flash the such types of Phone
7. Adjusted SPRD 6531 CPU Writinig Flash Bugs
8. Some known bug Fixed
Some world first Reports Using Dragon Box/Dongle:
Colors Xfactore X-100 Successfully Pattern Removed by Dragon Box / Dongle
WorldColors Xfactore X-100 Successfully Pattern Removed - USB Debuggin was Off:)
Karboon A1 Successfully Flashed with the help of Dragon Box / Dongle
Karboon Android A1+ wake up from the Dead, Thanks Dragon Team!!!
World First 4GB EMMC MTK Android MT6583 "General Mobille Discovery" Done by Dragon Box / Dongle
World First 4GB EMMC MTK Android MT6583 "General Mobille Discovery" Successfully Don
ZTE T760 WORLD FIRST Auto Pinfind,Auto Select Boots by Dragon Box / Dongle
ZTE T760 WORLD FIRST by DRAGON--Can not read any Box<Auto Pinfind,Auto Select Boots>
Download Link:
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